15LED PIR Sensitive Lamp Instruction
1.Product description 2.7 Battery operating life: 3pcs AA alkalescence batteries are applied.
1.1 Dimensions: D-82mm, H-35.5mm 10 hrs while operating continuously, 28hrs while operating
1.2 Power Supply: three LR06(AA) battery,4.5V. interruptedly. 20 seconds for delaying illuminance, and it can
1.3 Light Source: High-Efficiency, new white Light LED technology be used 60 to 90 days while you use the lamp 0.2hr per day.
is applied. The advantages are high efficiency, Low-power consumption, 3. Installation and Usage
Long operating life, no radiation, environment protective, energy saving and 3.1 Installation height of the product shall be about 2.5m from the
anti-explosion. floor It can be put on the floor or table directly..
1.4 sensitive technology: body heat releasing infrared ray testing 3.2 You can hang the lamp on wall through its back case’s hook or
technology is applied, with advantages of high sensitivity, strong mounting-hole, or install it by using magnet. You can also screw
anti-jamming capability and small power consumption. its back case on wall and then put its front case.
1.5 Easy mounting: Hooks, mounting-hole or magnet on back case are 3.3 Unscrew the back case and put batteries in the box. If you need
applied so as to move conveniently. Two screws can be fixed strongly constant lighting, put the switch on “ON” position, and if the
on the wall as well. Automatic sensitive lighting, the switch shall be put on the position
2. Characteristic of “AUTO”.
2.1 Environment protective material is used for the product case. 4. Notes
The case has the advantages of environment protection, flexibility 4.1 Storage temp.: -25℃~80℃. Operating temp.: -5℃~50℃.
and good brightness. 4.2 Take out the batteries if you don’t use the lamp for a long time.
2.2 As light source, the high brightness white light LED is applied. Replace batteries immediately if battery is dead.
The operated life is over 80,000hrs with 3 square meter of efficient 4.3 The lamp is not water-proof and don’t put it under rain. Don’t
illumination area. install the lamp in which temp and light are changing rapidly, or
2.3 Three built in control switches of operating states: OFF, ON and AUTO. malfunction could occur.
2.4 functions under AUTO model: PIR Infrared Sensitive, light control and 5. Application
time control. The lamp can be triggered when ambient brightness is below This product is suitable for using in bed room, chest, cupboard, corridor,
5 LUX.。 working-room, cellar, garage and etc. It can be also used in camp and
2.5 The sensitive angle shall be bigger than 90 degree, the sensitive distance automobile as emergency lamp.
shall be more than 2.5 meters. The illuminance delay time shall be about 20s.
2.6 For 4.5 V battery, the operating current is below 135mA, stand-by current
is less than 0.085mA.